Sunday, 19 June 2016

Boots Haul


First off Happy Fathers Day to all Daddys!

Weather's pretty grim in Warwickshire today and my skin has suddenly decided to go red and patchy on my eyelids and upper lip. So all I've wanted to do today is stay in bed have cuddles with baby.  Unfortunately we had to pop out to get some groceries so I thought I'd treat myself to a few bits from Boots!

I've been meaning to try these new CC creams that seem to have surfaced on the market. My skin is extremely sensitive and lately I've had little red flaky blotches on my face so I thought it'd be a good time to test out a Colour correcting cream. I've gone with Barry Ms Flawless CC Primer for £5.99.

Over the last few days i've been researching into lip plumpers. I came across a funny looking "tool" on eBay but having watched a few videos on Youtube I decided against using them as they seemed unsafe. Instead of using the lip plumping tool; i've gone with a short term lip plumping gloss. I did have my heart set on the Lip Plumper from Too Faced called Lip Injection mainly because I love Too Faced Make up but they didn't have any in the stores today so I have gone with a drug store dupe at a fraction of the price at £8. Usually retailed at £10 but currently on offer, woo!

I also bought the miniature version of Benefits They're Real Mascara for £9.95 as I've read a lot of good reviews for it. I don't tend to bother much with a good brand mascara anymore as I use falsies on a daily basis and only really use mascara on my bottom lashes. Nonetheless I do plan on giving this mascara a go on my lashes and am super excited to test it out!

Since having baby I haven't been doing my nails. Pre pregnancy I would always have new nails done. I have now snipped them all down and haven't been wearing any polishes on them for a while but when I get the chance I plan on using this Matte top coat from Barry M (£5.99).

My K Palette Brow Pen is starting to run dry and I'm dreading it as I absolutely love this product but it does take a few weeks to order and I'd like something a little more accessible so I thought I'd try Maybellines Brow Satin Pen for £5.99

and finally, after my skin flare up I did a quick search online and a lot of people have recommended using tea tree oil on red patchy skin so I thought i'd give this tea tree gel a go for £2.99.

Reviews of all items coming up! 

Hope you've all enjoyed fathers day!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Dabbling Post pregnancy, 2 dogs and a house to upkeep.

I don't usually post anything too personal as i try tend to keep my issues to myself but lately its got to the point where everything is getting to me and i keep getting extremely emotional. I'd like to put it down to hormones and hopefully its just a passing phase.

I'm hope this is normal.

I briefly mentioned how I was feeling to someone and they casually bought up post natal depression. I'm sure i don't have this. I love my baby more than anything in this world, i don't have any ill thoughts as such. I just feel extremely stressy and angry at everyone else.

A little background information...
I think, as a person i can be a little neurotic. Possibly dabbling with control issues which is why i have to do certain things the way i do or...i get extremely wound up.

My life pre pregnancy was monotonous. I had a routine and it worked for me. I like routines. They bring me the feeling of control and comfort. When every thing goes to plan. I am happy. Not just happy but unexplainably content. When things don't go to plan i usually have a mini breakdown. This actually happened more often than expected due to the 2 dogs being naughty but when they weren't playing up i felt a huge sense of achievement when everything just worked. They were bathed, fresh and clean and they spent the evenings chilling with me and husband in the living room. One problem was that my routine was accustomed to the normal everyday. I.e just us 2 and the dogs. That meant if any family or visitors were to come over the dogs would play up. And this was with out question. It always happened. The 2 mutts would jump all over the place and bark at the door. Then jump over the newly arrived guests. For some reason guests being in the house warranted them to break all normal rules and they'd be all over the furniture...all over the house.  Nonetheless that was as stressful as it got...but now, throw a newborn in the mix and all of a sudden its...chaotic.

I have had to separate the dogs into another room as they seem to be out of control at the moment. The millions of visitors here to see the newborn sets the dogs off constantly. I'm sure this is difficult for them too... and it makes me sad thinking that they don't get the attention from me as they had before. I feel like I've majorly failed them. To top it off, husband is not willing to partake in my routine to take care of the dogs the way i did. Hes told me the dogs would have a happier life with other owners who give them 100% of their time and attention. This saddens me a lot. I feel like all my time and effort into bringing them up has been pointless and a huge waste of time. I have failed. And the more i think about it, the more his words seems truer to me. They would be happier with someone else.

And then theres the other bits. I've had every man and his dog practically tell me what i should be and shouldn't be doing for my baby. Is it just me or are the people who are around me too opinionated? Its probably me. They're probably just trying to help. I shouldn't mistake their helpful guidance as unwanted opinions. But its annoying.

I love my baby and as long as he is happy and healthy i don't really want these opinions thrown at me. So what if he cries when hes not being cuddled? I hate seeing him cry. It makes me well up. I don't think I'm a strong enough person to leave him to cry so he "learns to be independent", and if its not unwanted advice about the baby; its unwanted advice about the dogs.

Today, i had a mini breakdown with a family member. Baby was awake at 6am. I changed his nappy and spent an hour on and off feeding him til he stopped fussing and crying.  Once he fell asleep i also fell asleep again. I usually stay up from 4/5am baby wake up and do things including making breakfast and sorting the dogs morning routine but not this morning.  I was so tired. So when family member came round this morning st around 9/10 am,  i hadn't had a chance to get anything to done.  I hadn't eaten, my face was a mess. Top was damp from leaky boobs, baby on and off crying. All of a sudden i was accused of neglecting the dogs because their water bowl was empty. Normally by that time, i would have checked on them but with baby, things change.  Baby is my priority. Even if that means i don't get to eat. But to be told i wasn't coping and needed help because on the off chance they had no water? I hadn't even been the toilet!! I snapped and started sobbing uncontrollably as baby slept in my arms. I am coping fine.  What i can't cope with is the judgemental accusations.
Maybe its hormones making me extremely sensitive and weepy.

Either way, I've had a think after a weepy phone call to husband then nap with baby and Ive come to the conclusion that i need to be stronger and ignore what others have to say. They are not me. They are not living my life and their opinions should not matter or affect me. What i should focus on is looking after baby, running the everyday things in this house and taking care of the dogs as much as i can. 

Amy x

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Wet N Wild H2o Proof Liquid Liner Review, Smudge and Water Test


Haven't posted in a while as i went into labour a few weeks ago! Really lucky to have had a short labour and birth of 6 hours with no complications and only on gas and air. My beautiful baby boy is healthy and i'm loving being a mummy. That aside; I haven't had much time to blog much but when my Wet n Wild H2O proof liner came through the post the other day; I did a quick smudge and water test.

Swatches and Tests
Smudge Test: The liner was very hard to smudge and took some tough scrubs before the colour budged.

Water Test: When submerged the liner stays with no discoloration. When rubbed, the lighter parts of the swatch line had smudged slightly but the darker part did not smudge under water at all. 

Application and Water Test
After being applied to my upper lid, i submerged my face under water and found similar results to the swatch test. The liner had only smudged slightly underneath after scrubbing pretty hard.

Texture & Application: 4/5 the liquid texture has a nice glossy finish and glides on easy but the liner does take a while to completely dry.
Smudge Resistance: 5/5 Shown very good resistance to smudging and really took a hard scrubbing before discolouration and smudging. I was unable to remove the liner with water alone.  I had to use micellar make up remover and even then was still difficult to remove.
Water Resistance: 5/5 Really impressed with how well this liner withstood being rubbed in water. Definitely the best waterproof liner I've tried so far. 

I've actually been sitting on this post for about a while. Baby has been keeping me super busy. I have got other bits to post but will take some time :) 

Amy x